“Many women don’t like to share their beauty secrets, which is why they are secrets I guess, but I am all for the sisterhood of sharing. It’s hard enough going at being a woman alone, aging, and feeling the pressures of the crazy standard of beauty these days. Why not share and spread the love ? After all, we are in this together right ? So here it is ladies…the little beauty rituals and secrets that I could not live without. (Sadly) These things not only enhance what I already have, or don’t have, and give me that confidence boost that really helps me. I think it’s safe to say that we all like to feel pretty and confident!”
Ok…Full disclosure.
LASH EXTENSIONS The single most game changing thing that I have done, hands down. No matter how dirty my hair is, if I don’t have a stitch of makeup on my face, if my skin is breaking out, my lashes are always long thick, black and shiny. I have skimpy blonde lashes naturally, so this upgrade is beyond fabulous. They are pricey, but so worth every penny.
BROW SHAPING I love getting my eyebrows done. It’s like a mini facelift. Its unbelievable what a difference a little brow shape can do for a girl. Coiffed brows polish my face and give it symmetry. My natural brows are much like my lashes, blonde and skimpy. Having the right person shape and fill them is amazing. If you live in Los Angeles or New York, I highly reccommend Damone Roberts. I’ve been going to Damone for at least 10 years now and he knows how to shape a brow like no other. If you can’t see Damone just make sure you go to someone who isn’t a crazy plucker and gives you “no brow”. Thin is out, you want as full as you can get. Think Lily Collins, her brows are my dream. By the way I just found out you can get brow extensions, I may end up trying that ! Just saying .
Damone Roberts sells his brow kits online at http://www.damoneroberts.com and I LOVE it.
I do not lay out in the sun. It’s damaging, aging and makes my fair skin burn to a very unsexy pink. To get my milky complexion to look sun kissed, I get spray tanned. Now this is not just jumping into a tanning booth, I get butt naked, and I have my body sprayed down with a freezing solution. After a few hours I look like JLo for the next 5 days which is pretty fabulous. If you don’t have access to someone who can spray tan you, because some of us don’t have all these luxuries at our disposal, I highly recommend Vita Liberata. It’s an organic tanning lotion that works wonders. You can order it online or buy at your local Sephora.
I am the queen of layering, so Spanx it is. Wearing spanx helps to keep my clothing lay flat, as well as keep everything tucked in neatly (if you know what I mean). I know that I am of slender build, but I’m human and have had kids, giving me lumps and bumps and jiggle. These babies keep everything tight and together. They just make clothes look better with minimal effort.
Kylie Jenner Lip Kits. Yes you heard correctly ! My 13 year old daughter was obsessed with them and started ordering them. After rolling my eyes, I tried them and well I fell in love. They literally never rub off, like ever.
Midol is my best friend. Seriously, she and I understand each other. She get’s me when no one else does. When I have a headache, cramps, am feeling a little sappy, mad, she comes to my rescue. Game changer extraordinaire. I highly recommend keeping Midol on hand, in purse, in car and on night table. Midol keeps me married and law abiding.
These little razors get the peach fuzz off my face, leaving it baby smooth. I buy them at CVS and they give me a fabulous glow. I mean what woman wants a hairy, fuzzy face ? Do not use an actual razor on your face ! Your face is going to feel like the bottom of a baby’s bum, after you run this little razor over your damp face. This will be life changing if you’re like me… age has brought on facial fuzz and I am not ok with it. Bye bye beard.
According to Dr. Ava Shamban, who was the first dermatologist to give me botox when I was 33, said “if it was bad for you then 90% of Beverly Hills would be dead”. I’ve never looked back since. I think of botox as a preventative procedure to aging painfully. We are all getting older ,but we can be a little more seamless and graceful about it. Botox does that trick for me. I’m not excessive with it, I’m not a fan of the frozen look, but a little bit sure does help keep me smooth.
Juvederm (cheeks /laugh line/lips) : This stuff is amazing for all these areas. I have used juvederm to help with my naturally high cheek bones. Underneath my cheekbones I have this hollowness as a result of fat loss from age. The hollowness made me look gaunt and I personally don’t like that look on me. I wanted to fix that, so I tried Juvederm to plump it up. If done well and sparingly, it brings a suppleness to those sunken areas. Overdoing is a big thing nowadays as we can easily lose perspective. Using this as an enhancer is when it’s best, vs transforming who you are. Who we are naturally is enough and using too much ages horribly over time.
This is seriously money well spent. My nails looks flawless and are virtually indestructible for almost a month with this stuff on them. I’t pricey but in the end world out to be the same price as getting weekly polish changes. LOVE !