Happy Holidays Kimberly FardadThe holiday season is often portrayed as the happiest time of the year, and for many, it truly is. Christmas brings forth a multitude of delights – from cherished traditions...
What's Your Word For 2024 Kimberly Fardad New year, new you. That’s the intention, right? There's something beautiful about closing the door to the past—leaving behind baggage, pain, and regrets and carrying with us the lessons,...
Highlights Lately Kimberly FardadI recently returned from a songwriter's festival in Key West, where I played five shows. I was on an inspirational high the whole time, and my heart was filled with...
It's That Time Of Year Kimberly FardadIf you’re one of those people who doesn’t even want to hear the word “Christmas” until after Thanksgiving, then stop reading and re-visit this blog after Turkey Day. Christmas has...
My Performance at The Mint LA Kimberly Fardad On October 26th, I had the chance to perform at the legendary venue "The Mint" in Los Angeles, and had a performance for the books. I was able to...
Highlights Lately Kimberly FardadI recently returned from a songwriter's festival in Key West, where I played five shows. I was on an inspirational high the whole time, and my heart was filled with...