As Summer has ended and school has begun, I have found myself feeling sad and unsettled. My children are moving up in the ranks from elementary school to middle school, middle school to high school and onward. Of course, change and growth are expected and encouraged, yet not letting go and holding on are all that I have been feeling lately.
When my kids went back to school this past week, I stayed home all day and felt like a dark cloud was hovering over me. I felt an indulgent kind of sadness, missing my little ones that have been long gone for years. I couldn’t wait to pick them up from school and hold them close and try and slow down time.
My kids are my life, as most Mothers would say. They have my heart and consume my worried mind in ways I never could imagine. They fill me with joy, and in the same breath, bring me to my knees. They force me to grow. They force me to hold steady. They force me to love bigger. They bring out my best and my worst. It feels like time is slipping through my fingers and I can’t stop it. I know that surrender is the most graceful path a Mother can take, yet it’s so very hard to do. Hard as it may be, I do sit back and marvel at these little-big people that have made me who I am.