Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in a world where everyone lives with love and respect for one another? Wouldn’t it be novel to be able to voice your opinion, questions, or thoughts openly and respectfully without worrying about backlash or worse, harm to you?
It is hard to watch the news, as it seems that everything that is on is negative and frightening . It feels like the world is ready to come to an end with all of the devastating attacks happening, the hate crimes, the natural disasters, etc. It’s depressing and terrifying to watch, which is why I don’t particularly hurry to watch the news these days. I think it is crucial to educate ourselves on what is happening around the world, but I also think we need to take it all in with some perspective. I feel like the media has scared and manipulated into massive fear and horrible divide. Many American people are afraid to travel or go anywhere in fear of the unknown.
There are definitely places that I feel we all need to be mindful about traveling to, but I also think you have to be smart regardless of the political climate. When you’re in a different country you need to be aware of their laws, customs and pace. The freedoms we enjoy here in America are not the same freedoms others experience in other countries. There are also other freedoms other countries possess that we do not. Respect and awareness are a must as a visitor.