Wednesday Woman I Admire: Lydia Arrasmith

Wednesday Woman I Admire: Lydia Arrasmith

This woman…sometimes in life we come across angels in civilian clothes. My dear friend Lydia is one of these people. She is one of the few people that I know that never imposes herself on anyone. She is gentle in every sense of the word, but possesses a strength and genuine kindness that is unique, because she does so without any need for applause or acknowledgment.


Lydia has faced significant difficulty in her life, the kind that crushes people, however, she moves into each event, embraces it and gives and gives and gives, until it moves into submission.

Her beloved brother is just one example. He suffered a tragic accident when he was 26, leaving him paraplegic. A very young Lydia left school and became his caregiver, continuing this relationship to this day. She also adopted her older sisters two young daughters, because her sister was not capable to care for them. Lydia just extended her arms and embraced all without question or thought or contemplation. As a result, they all prospered in her care.

Out of High School, Lydia began a successful career, purchased a home and brought in her father,mother, brother, grandmother and nieces to live with her. It never occurred to her to put her young life first, she just did what she could to care for her family and maintained enough resilience to keep pushing her forward.

She soon met her beloved husband and they had two children. Even with her own young family, she chose to legally adopt her two nieces, her husband also became their legal guardian. She surely met her matching in her adoring husband.

In addition to all she does, Lydia is also a cancer surviver and still manages lingering and difficult health challenges daily. She takes it all in stride and grace, following suit with how she has managed all other difficulties that life has presented her with.

Every experience I have with Lydia is positive and full of tenderness. I would never know any of her past heartaches or her health struggles if her husband did not share them, because she is so very selfless and positive. She is a joy to be with and any moment I get with her is a cherished one.