Talk about a woman who makes you want to just be an all round better human, Shelene Bryan is just that person. Shelene is a mother of two beautiful children , Blake and Brooke and adores her husband of over 20 years Brice. Not only is she a is a former Hollywood producer, and gave it all up to start a charity called Skip1, in which she raises money to build and renovate kitchens within orphanages and schools in impoverished areas. Skip1, also supports food distribution and feeding programs in places where kitchens can’t be built. She helps cultivate clean water and sustainable agricultural initiatives. Her mission offers that if we “skip” on of our daily luxuries, i.e, getting that latte, the benefit towards a person in dire need is greater than one could imagine. She makes it easy and beyond gratifying.
Shelene has also turned her impeccable ability to challenge and inspire others by taking what she lectures on and translates it into beautiful writings. Shelene can now add author onto her resume, another thing on my list of things I admire about her. Her books are “Love, Skip, Jump: Start Living the Adventure of Yes” and the “Ridiculous Faith” series.
I was sitting with Shelene one day after being introduced to her by a friend of mine from the High School our kids attend. Selene is beyond outgoing, spunky,warm and so very full of love. I listened to her as she shared with me her journey on how Skip1 came to be. Her family was sponsoring a family in Africa that was in dire need. She decided to just up and take a trip to Africa to make certain the money she had been sending them all these years was truly getting to the family that was being sponsored. That trip changed her life in ways that she could have never realized. She saw that there was more to life than her “Hollywood” life and she wanted to make a difference, not just to them, but to herself and her family by giving back in the biggest way she knew how. Thus was the exit of her big career and the birth of Skip1. Everything about this woman is real. She is a woman of character, a God loving woman and she genuinely is everyone’s cheerleader.
Skip1 has now been going strong for several years and has cultivated more goodness to our planet and inspiration to people that I can express. Shelene speaks all over the country, specifically on Ted talks spreading her initiatives and inspiring. Her work and its success are a true reflection of her passion and dedication to making a difference. She is a powerhouse in the the most gracious of ways.
For the month of September, Shelene started “SKIPTEMBER”. Each day for the entire month of September she is asking us to skip one thing that we love and go without it that day. It could be your favorite latte, hot chocolate, pair of shoes you want, whatever it is, pick it on whatever day you were born. I was born May 29, so September 29th will be my skipping day. Whatever you choose to go without she asking people to donate that money to and you too can see what a difference you can make in the lives of others. So brilliant, yet so very simple.
I love the difference Shelene is making in the lives of so many and she definitely has made an impact in my life. Someone that I truly admire and feel so blessed beyond words to know her and call her my friend.
To learn more about Skip1 please click the link below: